Thursday, March 27, 2008

Bo Egestroem - Danish Modern

This week's interest found itself in the digital world and was prompted by Digital Pro Magazine.  Here, I found the work of Bo Egestroem, a fashion photographer.  The front picture of his article amazed me.  I loved it!  You can find it at  It is the fourth thumbnail in.  Not only is the photograph extremely detailed and has an interesting perspective, but it has a somewhat fantasy element that I found absolutely fascinating.  The eyelashes of the model seem to be of another world.  I cannot figure out if it is makeup or digital enhancement.  But whatever it is, it completely changes the picture for the better.  All of Bo's work is like this.  Simple faces with obscure additions that make me do a double take.  His work really stands out to me as different and in a wonderful way.  The dramatic emotion it provokes, the sense of unearthly beauty, makes Bo's images unique and an amazing part of the fashion world.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

The Role of Photography in Communication

As I began to think about his concept, the cliche, a picture is worth a thousand words, pervaded my thoughts.  How true it is, I thought.  A photograph is able to capture the exact thing that one is able to see.  In essence, it is a moment in time, preserved for the future.  When you show someone a photograph, they can see exactly what you saw without complicated and altered visions created by description.  In this way, I see photography as a very important part of communication, one that needs not use words to get its point across.  A simple photograph can tell a whole story, who was involved, what happened, where, why, etc.  It can communicate someone's thoughts, or emotions, and even create some of one's own.  Photographs allow us to better understand history from the time the camera was invented.  This sheds light on much of how we know what we do about the past.  Often when one thinks about the term communication, the exchange of words comes into mind first.  However, photography can play just as big a role.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Karim Ramzi

Over the past few years, I have been increasingly interested in the world of modeling and fashion.  Now that I have discovered photography, the integration of the two intrigues me.  For this blog, I googled fashion photographers in Paris because I am considering doing an internship abroad there.  The name Karim Ramzi was one of the first names to appear, so I viewed some of his shoots.  His work appealed to me because it was not what I expected to see.  The models were in varying positions, sometimes looking contorted or sexual.  He used black and white often, and models from all different cultural backgrounds.  Looking at his work, I was able to gain a new perspective on fashion photography.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Rich Pomerantz

After working on this week's assignment, I began looking through a book a received for my 18th birthday called Wild Horses of the Dunes, by Rich Pomerantz.  It is a collection of photographs and text about the wild horses in North Carolina on Chincoteague and Assateague Island.  Almost every photograph is enhanced by its relationship with the light.  Whether it is a setting sun and silhouette, or the reflection of the water or a horses eye.  Each picture is beautiful and truly gives you the feeling of being present on the islands.  They are especially appealing to me because of my love of horses.  The photographer lives in Hartford, CT and his photos have appeared in National Geographic, Frommer's Guide to Virginia, and other well known publications.  It was interesting to view this book after working on our light assignment.