Monday, April 28, 2008

Last Blog! Reflections etc.

So tomorrow marks our final class and the due date for our final project.  I would like to say that this semester has taught me a lot and provided me with deeper insight into the world of photography.  I enjoyed it very much, even the tedious time in the dark room :)  The final project has been my favorite and I am happy with my prints so far.  I also enjoyed looking at other photographer's work, especially the books where you can see the pictures first hand.  I was fascinated by the pinhole cameras, especially the photographer who went around the world imposing images on rooms.  Black and white photography has gained a greater appeal for me, perhaps even more than color now.  There are more ways to create unique and mysterious photos with black and white film, such as with shadows and contrast.  I have found that my favorite pictures that I have taken are the surprises.  Perhaps I did not mean to take the picture at all, or maybe it came out completely different than I expected.  That is something you cannot do with a digital camera, what you see is what you get with those.  I like the surprise when you develop film and see your prints for the first time.  Although time consuming, the prints when finished are more valuable to me than digital photos, more art-like.  I wish I had the time to print more of the film I have shot over the semester.  I am considering taking the documentary photography course next semester.  The idea of photographing events and surroundings intrigues me.  I am not very creative, I feel, when it comes to composing pictures, so perhaps this course will fit me.  I will save my artist statement for comments on my project, but Thank You professor for a great semester, I found your insight and class helpful and encouraging!  Have  a great summer, take great pictures, I know I will! :)


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