Unexpected Portraits
This week's assignment had some surprises in store for me. I was slightly disconcerted because I had less pictures than usual and had had many camera and battery and such problems. however, the film I did take held some strange elements that made these photos some of my favorites yet. First was the picture of my boyfriend with bunny ears. While I was taking the picture I didn't notice the two triangles of light across the photo, yet after developing, they made a somewhat normal picture much more interesting. Next, in a picture of my friend and one of the team's horses I discovered a cute smile I hadn't seen on my contact sheet. My self portrait was a surprise in that I took it without looking through the lens and I like how it turned out. I had three decent pictures of my dad's dog, Merlin, but one of them, taken from above, intrigued me because it made me think of a true portrait of a dog because that is how the world sees him. The top of his head it what most people see a lot of the time. I also likes the composition, lines, and focus of this picture. The biggest surprise of all, however, came in a picture I did not intentionally take. I went to Starbucks to take photos, but it was there that I realized my camera was not working and as I was playing with it I took a few accidental photos. One of these was of a man standing at the counter. I like the photo because it is not entirely in focus and represents to me the typical morning coffee-goer waiting at the counter. The most interesting part, though is the reflection across the middle of the picture. It is of a parking lot with cars through a window, but I have no idea how it got there because I was not looking through or at glass with my camera. This intrigued me greatly and I am still curious as to how it got there. That is one of the joys of photography, I am realizing that sometimes your best photographs are mistakes. :)
Maybe this concept of "mistake" could be worked into a final project? What if you experimented with shooting in diffent locations without composing or focusing or looking through the lens at all?
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