5 Photographers, One Photograph

After looking through the work of different photographers, I felt inspired. The range of subjects varied and showed me that there are infinite possibilities. The names of the photographers I looked at were Andreas Feininger, Eliot Porter, Georg Gerster, Adre Kertesz, and Fulvio Roiter. Although these were the only full books I could find and not my number one choices, they were interesting and inspiring. I would have liked to look at a fashion photographer's compilation, as I am interested in exploring shooting models and designers. However, one of Georg Gerster's (well most of) photographs really caught my attention. He is an areal photographer, shooting his pictures from above the earth. This gave the world and photography a whole new perspective. Things appear completely different from thousands of feet above the ground. Shapes and colors emerge that one cannot see at eye level. Sometimes I had no idea what I was actually looking at until I read the caption. The particular photo that I looked at was an oasis in the middle of a white sand desert. It seemed to almost make a Mickey Mouse face with the green of the oasis and the way the sand wrapped around it. To me, this photograph was original and creative, something I had never seen before. Another of his images featured the rooftops of Indian houses. It was just a quilt of colors and really interesting.